
Kolagra Cosmeceutical Brand

KOLAGRA is a brand new for Bio Stream pharmaceutical company.

We start the project with the client from the scratch.

LASHEEN create the logo, brand and packaging identity.

It contains a range of Derma products.

So we build the packaging identity to be easily adaptable to different sizes, molds and colors.

The ”KOLAGRA” logo is minimal look of elegant font in thin style as most of their customers will be women.

The ”C” or ”E” are heroes in their packs to obviously illustrate the main component of the products which are vitamin ”C” or ”E”.

LASHEEN starts this kind of designs and since ever most of competitors used the hero letter ”C” or ”E” in their designs as we made.

Client: BIO Stream

Date: November 20, 2019

Location: Cairo, Egypt

Category: Branding, Packaging, Cosmeceuticals

Project Photos