Detergents & Paints


LASHEEN was tasked to rebrand the local iconic shoe polish brand ”CROWN” which started on this market since 1985.

We took the client’s brief, and after analyzing it, we found the follows in the old design.

  • The crown’s icon is not clear in the pack and not seen at all.
  • The pack background makes confusion to the customers, as they may think it is for brown shoes.
  • It is near to ”Kiwi” shoe polish brand design.
  • It didn’t refer to the year of establishment of the brand and the main component inside.

So, LASHEEN create the logo as clear crown from ”beehives” as the main component of the product is beeswax.

We refer to the year of starting business ”1985” to show the heritage of the brand.

The variants are differentiated clearly, so the customer can know the black from brown from others easily.

Client: Misr Pyramids Co.

Date: August 1, 2018

Location: Cairo, Egypt

Category: Packaging, Detergents & Paints

Project Photos