Active is a detergent line tailored to house use like dishwashing- super gel – cleansing & general disinfectant.
The founder, Al-Hajery (Kuwait) request from us to create the logo and packaging designs to his new line to be something unique and memorable.
For LASHEEN it was a pleasure and challenge.
The pleasure is that Al-Hajery is the first client to us from Kuwait.
The challenge that to enter new market you need to study it well & the market keyplayers to help our client to success.
We create Active logo to be dynamic with the blue curved line under the word active to give movement and how the product can be active with the dusts,
And also the point of ( i ) letter is like a shiny star referring to the maximum shining and cleaning effect after using the brand.
The packaging design have it’s theme with the negative area of the star to be consent pattern in the labels which give the brand it’s unique and distinct identity.